Father’s day

I cannot begin to describe just how inadequate the court decision was in its wording, clarity, and overall substance. Joe was not given time to have the kids for Father’s Day in the official divorce decree. I was ordered to do 6 hours of driving on Mother’s Day, taking me away from half of my children.

In a brief message on 12/07/2022, I mentioned that I thought he should have the kids on Father’s Day. However, after the writing of that email, he unilaterally changed a mutually agreed upon change at the last minute, and then filed a contempt petition against me for not complying with his demand. I refused to stray from the order again and I made that crystal clear repeatedly. It was the only way to protect myself from his lunacy.

I was to pick up the kids on Friday, June 16, 2023. On June 12 he sent me the first OFW message below, thanking me for allowing me to have the children for Father’s Day. ( There was no prior discussion, only a brief mention 6 months before). On June 14th he replied to the message from 12/07/2022 and thanked me again and stated that he and the kids made travel plans. On June 16th, the day I was to pick up the kids, he sent a message that he was in Michigan.

We filed contempt paperwork.


Monetary judgment


Letting him off the hook