F*** you and die

This happened prior to Joe’s mother’s funeral. We were to accompany him to Michigan to attend. I refused to take the kids after this happened. I was terrified.

We were arguing about whether June should have been taken back to school earlier, she had an accident and had to leave early. Joe chased me around the house screaming “Fuck you and die” at the top of his lungs. The children were in the house. June and Jay witnessed it. The older boys heard it. I tried to get away from him, but he kept chasing after me. He refused to stop when I asked him to stop. I ran outside and he followed. He body checked me into our car.

He had never even acknowledged his behavior or apologized for it.

Once again you will note, he hadn’t slept for four days. This was a common occurrence for him.


Joe would often reach out to my older kids with an alternative story, drag them into the situation, then reframe the actual events that had happened. Pouring on the “I love yous”. He had JUST verbally and physically assaulted me.

This event was shared with his family after it occurred. I testified in court about this incident.


After our divorce, Joe referenced the F*** you and die event when he threw our childrens’ Valentine’s candy on the ground in front of them ( see Valentine’s Candy). He told me “i stand by the words that i said to you on that day too” … meaning f*** you and die.


He also refused to let the children come to my father’s military funeral in October of 2022 see below stating “you also once told me (march 2021) that you were opposed to children attending the funeral of a grandparent. you said that it wasn’t at all appropriate for them.” No mention of the real reason we didn’t attend her funeral. GASLIGHTING. REVISION OF HISTORY


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