All the men
Joe was harassing me about my ex husband, accusing me of being in a relationship with him. Asking how the kids could possibly recognize my older kids’ Dad in a picture. He contacted a friend of mine, a federal police officer, and accused him of having a sexual relationship with me. He manipulated my ex business partners with money to spread these lies as well. The court found their testimony “not credible” and the allegations by Joe unfounded.
Joe’s family has picked up where Joe left off. In their quest to get control of my childrens’ estate money, they are now accusing me of leaving Joe in Maryland because of Brandon Holbrook, the person charged with his murder. This would be impossible due to the fact that I did not meet Brandon Holbrook for the first time until October 2021. Documentation available.
I left Joe Shymanski because of EXTREME verbal, mental, and the beginnings of, physical abuse highlighted in this blog.