Stealing money

Joe tried to push the narrative that I was stealing money from the business that we owned with two other business owners. It was a stunning show of malignant narcissistic behavior.

He was manipulating business conversations and insinuating that I was taking money. He insisted he had no access to the accounts, which was a lie and easily provable as one. He started asking what other accounts were tied to the business to where money could be moved to and from.

Coincidentally ( or not so coincidentally). at this EXACT time, someone opened up bank accounts in my name and attempted to tie them to the business bank account. Someone was really trying to make it look like I was moving money. Unfortunately for them, I caught the breach and had to freeze my credit and report the incident to the police.

Joe proposed, and it was decided, that anyone making sales moving forward was going to get a set and agreed upon commission payment. He continuously accused me of stealing money when I would get a commission payment. He even testified in court to this. It was absolutely bananas the way that he could twist things that were even in writing and easily provable.

The business owners said there was nothing off in the books. No one stealing money. They testified in court to this. His legal team looked through everything. Guess what? Nothing. The judge ruled that there was NO EVIDENCE of stealing money.

Joe did not care, he was going to push his narrative anyway. He called people I knew, he told anyone who would hear. Smear campaign. He had to make up something to take away from what REALLY happened.

HIS FAMILY IS PERPETUATING THIS ABUSE in their current legal vendetta against me.

I have kept EVERY conversation, text message, and business email from my time with our business. Joe’s behavior was appalling and disgusting. The business partners had their own agenda, they were trying to get out of paying a $100,000 loan back to us. Their poor behavior can be attributed to that fact and being manipulated by Joe. It is stunning the lengths people will go to for money.

Joe was the one who ended up stealing the money

In the middle of the night he transferred all the money from the business account to his personal account. Had to make another police report.


The best interest attorney


Courtroom antics